Sunday, January 11, 2009

LOL DO i look angry in this photo?? Well...this is the face I had all weekend.
So....I know no one likes to hear someone else complain....BUT its my blog so I can write what I wanna.

I had THE most HORRIBLE weekend ever....I mean I've had worse ones but this was the worst weekend (only the second weekend lol) of 2009.

So I get out of school.....get yelled at by my college counselors like SUPER horribly...b/c she lost my orange forms. even tho she claims I never turned them in....Im not crazy I turned the damn things in....THIS makes me LATE for practicing maneuverability

Since Im too late to practice maneuverability, I have to go straight to the BMV and just test my luck on the cones....for the THIRD time....of course I fail.

I wanna cry my eyeballs out like I do after every failing time......but my mom said before we went there "THIS IS DUMB, SINCE U CANT PRACTICE U BETTTTT NOT CRY IF U FAIL" so I can't I'm turned sideways in the car, trying to wipe my tears on the headrest so she can't see....and every text I get that goes awwww im sorry only makes me bawl even more...making me realize what a driving failure I am. day I shall pass this STUPID test

Friday night....I wanna stay up late but I , strangely , fall asleep around 10pm ...WEIRDDDD.....whatevs....but I wake up at 3pm the next day....WEIRDDDD thats like 17 hours of sleep. I have a HORRIBLE pounding headache thats just I sleeep 2 more hours, sposed to go to the movies but that didnt work out (surprise surprise) and sum1 left the car light on so the car won't I get angrier...turn on Titanic (my therapy) and accidentally fall asleep on that! ??????? Crazy, I know.

I wake up Sunday super super super tired, blistering headache some Benihana so that was a highlight...but other than wasn't a good day. was hoping sum1 could make it a little better but SYKEEEE.

Now here I am, at 3am still working on my dumb paper about cleveland. blah blah blah

So yeah, I had a HORRIBLE weekend and hope that this weekend will be better...hope this sinus infection goes away ...


Friday, January 2, 2009

So its 2009

Ok it's 2009 and there's a few things I thought I'd share.

I had fun on New Year's Eve......we went to the church, stayed for a couple hours, brought in the new year in the house of the lord...pretty good start to the year! Then we went to Brittany's dad's house....had SO much fun, it was hilarious. They were very funny people...her grandpa looked like Fred Sanford "Ronnie told me he wasn't goin back to school, I said thats a lie!" lmao. We went home, ate leftover food, hung out with some rlly cool people, watched full house, and went to bed was PRETTY fun.

Well break is almost over...I've done only TWO of the FIVE and exactly 5 things on my list...I have three days to finish the other 3. that's like 1 per day. Guess I can do that... now that its a new year, there's some things I will promise myself to do...

1- keep working hard in school, keep up my grades, just work hard and do my best

2- PASS MY FREAKIN DRIVING TEST....ugh. Remind everyone u know not to go to First Choice Driving School cause it SUCKS ... i didnt realize how much it sucked until I failed 2 times.

3- Be a good person...realize how fortunate I have a loving family, great friends, and never take for granted that you're able bodied and not ugly don't call anyone else ugly. and remember when you're mad that there's always someone else worse off than you out there....

4-make money

5-get more sleep

6- learn to dance ;-)

7- be less shy around some ppl...

8-try more new things

Later Bon Qui Quis...happy 2009.