Sunday, January 11, 2009

LOL DO i look angry in this photo?? Well...this is the face I had all weekend.
So....I know no one likes to hear someone else complain....BUT its my blog so I can write what I wanna.

I had THE most HORRIBLE weekend ever....I mean I've had worse ones but this was the worst weekend (only the second weekend lol) of 2009.

So I get out of school.....get yelled at by my college counselors like SUPER horribly...b/c she lost my orange forms. even tho she claims I never turned them in....Im not crazy I turned the damn things in....THIS makes me LATE for practicing maneuverability

Since Im too late to practice maneuverability, I have to go straight to the BMV and just test my luck on the cones....for the THIRD time....of course I fail.

I wanna cry my eyeballs out like I do after every failing time......but my mom said before we went there "THIS IS DUMB, SINCE U CANT PRACTICE U BETTTTT NOT CRY IF U FAIL" so I can't I'm turned sideways in the car, trying to wipe my tears on the headrest so she can't see....and every text I get that goes awwww im sorry only makes me bawl even more...making me realize what a driving failure I am. day I shall pass this STUPID test

Friday night....I wanna stay up late but I , strangely , fall asleep around 10pm ...WEIRDDDD.....whatevs....but I wake up at 3pm the next day....WEIRDDDD thats like 17 hours of sleep. I have a HORRIBLE pounding headache thats just I sleeep 2 more hours, sposed to go to the movies but that didnt work out (surprise surprise) and sum1 left the car light on so the car won't I get angrier...turn on Titanic (my therapy) and accidentally fall asleep on that! ??????? Crazy, I know.

I wake up Sunday super super super tired, blistering headache some Benihana so that was a highlight...but other than wasn't a good day. was hoping sum1 could make it a little better but SYKEEEE.

Now here I am, at 3am still working on my dumb paper about cleveland. blah blah blah

So yeah, I had a HORRIBLE weekend and hope that this weekend will be better...hope this sinus infection goes away ...


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