Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ok ...So I thought this was pretty interesting...

Pretty crazy, huh? I think that people have gone "law suit crazy" ...suing at any and every chance possible and even going as far as purposely getting into a car accident or falling in a store parking lot just so they can sue. However, THIS is beyond one has to risk their own life or go out of their way to save someone else, they do it out of the goodness of their heart; and for you to sue them??? Is absolutely nuts....obviously the woman was destined to be paraplegic but to sue the person who tried to save you? Sigh....SO frustrating. The sad part is ..this will make people afraid to be good samaritans and help others...this is adding to the world's cold-heartedness....what do you think? Should the woman be able to sue or not? Would you?

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