Saturday, December 20, 2008


Ok....since Titanic has consumed my life for the last 2 weeks; I figured I'd dedicate a post to of the GREATEST movies of all time.

JACK DAWSON aka Leo AH-MAZING...and super hot

Rose cool.

Rose's mom...gotta love her.

CALVIN....he's got money; and u know it; take it outcha pocket and show it

Anyone else notice the many references to sinking way before the ship even hit the burg? Yeah....crazy.

1. Molly Brown, or as hstory would later call her, the "unsinkable molly brown"

2. Mr Andrews, are there enough lifeboats on here to fit everyone? No, not by half

3. Even God himself couldn't sink this ship

all said in the first hour of the movie lol

Does anyone else love it as much as i do? anyone wanna watch it and have a TITANIC movie-watching party?

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