Thursday, December 18, 2008

my list

So my and my friends have been carefully crafting a detailed list of FIVE and exactly 5 things that we need to do over winter break...18 days to complete FIVE and exactly 5 tasks.
These aren't everyday tasks like "clean my room," rather, fun tasks! To help prolong our break....'s part of my list:

Go skiing/snowboarding at Boston Mills/Brandywine; must take a lesson and dare yourself to do something scary, like go down an intermediate level hill OMG! haha--- I remember when I was 11 years old, our ski club, hathaway brown and US, went to Peek n Peak in NY...we were supposed to stay in groups of 3...well I was only a dark green (one step above 'no experience at all' lol) and my group mates were light and dark blues (intermediate)....and somehow I managed to get stuck at the top of a BLACK DIAMOND (super super ADVANCED tons of experience) hill.....I stayed for over an hour, frozen and scared to death, until it came time to check in with teachers...yikes. So i went down...almost killed myself, but luckily I didn't...funniest thing ever.

Hang out with a few people that I want to hang out with....yeah, theres some ppl out there who I would love to hang out with and so I'm gonna make a goal to hang out with those people over break.

Ride my 4-wheelers in the snow...or go somewhere with snow-mobiles...that sounds crazy fun, no??? that would be amazing.

there's more...but....yeah. lol

First three people who leave THEIR list of Five and exactly 5 things that THEY need to do before break is over will get a FREE christmas gift from ME!

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